Our workshop in Berlin, Germany

On the last work meeting in Berlin (16-20 March, 2015 year), our group, consisting of five students and three teachers, participated in a great variety of activities, which seemed to be really exciting and memorable.


The first day of our mobility was on the 17th of March. Actually, we hadn’t expected such a warm welcome from all the hosts, which gave us a pretty good impression of all the people there. Then, we had a walk around the school, visited some classes and finally had lunch in the school canteen.

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Afterwards, we had a guiding tour, in which we had the chance to see to Brandenburg Gate, The Berlin Wall and the Holocaust Memorial. After such an exciting day, in the evening, we were thrilled to visit one of the most popular theaters in Berlin- the Admiralspalast.

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On the 18th of March, the second day of our meeting, we had a lot of work to do. Our team represented some posters about the natural beauties of our region and essays with overall impressions of the students about the mobilities. Last but not least, we showed our brochure, made by students from our school.

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Then, our memorable meeting continued with a workshop for the students and conference for all the teachers. Our group had to be creative, while our teachers had to talk about some indispensable teaching methods.


In the afternoon all of the members watched a movie, which was thematically connected with the destruction of the Berlin Wall and everyone was interested to see how things have changed. Afterwards, we passed through the Berlin Wall museum and the Checkpoint Charlie.

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In the evening, there was a ,,night of the languages”, organized by the hosts.

On the 19th of March, we had the chance to see one of the most beautuful buildings in Berlin- the Castle Sharlotenburg, which was followed by the Aquarium, the Berlin Dome, Alexanderplatz and many other landmarks.

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The evening was also pretty memorable. All of the participants in the Comenius project organized a party, where everyone had the chance to say ,,Goobye!’’. We ate some food, made by the host families, listened to music and showed some traditional dances.

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