Our School




Wheatfield Primary School is a successful and popular primary school, located in Bradley Stoke, which opened its doors to its first group of children in September 1998.

Since then Wheatfield has developed into a happy, thriving learning community.  Although we are a large school, it is our aim to create a happy, safe and caring environment for the children entrusted to our care so that they not only enjoy their time at Wheatfield, but also make very good progress in all areas of their learning.

Our school motto ‘Growing and Learning Together’ captures succinctly, what is at the heart of all we do and value at Wheatfield!

Wheatfield Primary School

1 Response to Our School

  1. Dear friends! You are amazing – friendly, charming, creative!
    Thanks for the warm welcome and wonderful activities organized for us! Congratulations to the whole school community!

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